You Feel Like Home

“If you hadn’t been born,
I don’t know where I’d be.”
I wrote those words 4 years ago,
Yet the truth matures with age.

“Unicorns enrich others’ lives,
Thank you for being my unicorn.”
You left me a card 6 years ago,
Giving more credit than deserved.

You forced me out of my head,
To begin living again.
Compared to what you gave me,
I arrived empty-handed.

Souls pass by us ev’ryday,
Some come in for a moment,
Others come to stay.

Minds show our depth inside,
Some are prickly to touch,
Others gently guide.

Hearts know what we need,
Some simply mismatch,
Others become freed.

I’m grateful for beliefs you have,
Those kindred to mine,
And moreso ones that challenge.

I’m impressed by your ceaseless strength,
What naturally grew,
And that which forced itself.

I’m proud of the woman you are,
The woman you were,
And the one you have always been.

Brittan began writing poetry in June 2020. She uses poetry as a therapeutic exercise when revisiting homophobic traumatic memories and describing life with BPD & Bipolar 2. She uses poetry as a medium for self-expression when discussing Buddhismlesbianism, and platonic love.

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